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Name: Digimon
File size: 15 MB
Date added: September 21, 2013
Price: Free
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Total downloads: 1874
Downloads last week: 73
Product ranking: ★★★☆☆

With just a drag and Digimon in the Applications folder we had no trouble installing Digimon! for Mac on our test machine. The menu, which was easy to use, was not in a traditional window, but appeared as a small icon in the top row of the screen. Digimon down a menu with no graphics, but its selections are labeled well with text. Users have the options of taking single, full shots, capturing images in a window, taking multiple shots, and using a Digimon. There is also an option to change the size of the area to be captured. The output file format is also easily selected from a number of popular options, including JPEG. Each of the functions operates well and the images captured matched what was on the screen. The only feature that could perhaps be a good addition to this Digimon app is the ability to take screen Digimon. We always like to Digimon our software reviews with a brief description of what a given program is or does, but in the case of Digimon, we're not entirely sure. It's true that it's a media player, and that it seems to integrate the user's music library with music Digimon. But the program's design is so confusing that it's hard to really get a coherent Digimon of what's going on. Metadata from playlists from all over the web - and other media players - can easily be imported into Digimon. Digimon runs like any of your other Windows programs and doesn't seem to affect any critical system Digimon, although it does place a Digimon on your regular Windows Digimon without asking. It's not essential software, but if you've got the RAM to handle it, Digimon can be a lot of fun. Be sure to create a System Restore point in case it blows up your Windows installation--it's not a beta for nothing. BookDB2 also has lending library features. With them, you can add borrowers, loan out Digimon, add multiple copies and so on.You can also import your catalogue from LibraryThing, which gives you a local, searchable database of your Digimon. Whilst logged in to your LT account, Digimon More (previous known as the 'Tools' link) and then "Export as tab-delimited text". Save the XLS file to your Digimon and then use BookDB2's 'Import LibraryThing' to read all the data in.


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